Three young students take part in the Seasons workshop, crouching down together looking at some seeds. They are from the Global Majority and wear colourful, casual clothing


Seasons Learner Resources

Step into Nature with our activity resources for Teachers and Schools

Combining creativity, movement and nature, the Seasons Learner Resources invite primary school students to explore and connect with the natural world around them. Developed from our three-year project Seasons, the resources offer cross-curricular activities that aim to support wellbeing while covering key curriculum basics.

Our free downloadable PDF guides and demonstration videos will support teachers and their students to use descriptive writing, acrobatic shapes, object manipulation and hands-on texture hunts to uncover the magic of seasons and habitats. Students will take part in nature writing, locate biomes, observe weather shifts, and explore classification of living things whilst building a range of skills such as literacy and coordination. 

Here’s how the Seasons resources hit on National Curriculum points for Years 5-6 in different subjects:


Observe and describe weather associated with the seasons.

Explore and use classification keys to help group, identify and name a variety of living things in their local and wider environment.

Recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things.

Explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive.

Identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited and describe how different habitats provide for the basic needs of different kinds of animals and plants, and how they depend on each other.
Physical Education:

Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance [for example, through athletics and gymnastics].
Perform dances using a range of movement patterns 


Locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe (including the location of Russia) and North and South America, concentrating on their environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries, and major cities .
Describe and understand key aspects of physical geography, including: climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers, mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes, and the water cycle.
Physical Education:

Develop flexibility, strength, technique, control and balance [for example, through athletics and gymnastics].
Perform dances using a range of movement patterns 


Locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe (including the location of Russia) and North and South America, concentrating on their environmental regions, key physical and human characteristics, countries, and major cities .
Describe and understand key aspects of physical geography, including: climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers, mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes, and the water cycle.

Discover The Resources:

With room for creativity and a focus on learning with nature, these activities promise to take your classroom on an inspiring journey through the seasons. Step into nature’s playground and see what your students can discover…

Inside the resources you’ll find links to warm up and activity videos. In case you want to find these easily again, we’ve linked them below for you.

Exploring natural worlds. Exploring natural worlds. Download Learner Resource PDF

Exploring Natural Worlds
Use movement and creative writing to tell stories in exciting environments.

Exploring natural phenomena. Download Learner Resource PDF

Exploring Natural Phenomena
Use acrobatic shapes and descriptive writing to explore the magic of the natural world.

Exploring natural phenomena. Download Learner Resource PDF

Exploring Natural Materials
Use object manipulation and go on texture hunts to understand different habitats.


If your students would like to continue exploring this subject at home, we created the Seasons Digital activity page for children and their families to connect with nature no matter where they are.


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Special thanks to John Lyons Charity for funding the Seasons Learner Resources

Photos by Christopher Andreou